Sunday, June 15, 2008

Unusual Transactions

As expected in recent months, Clinton didn't win the nomination. She did, thank God, deliver the best speech of her entire campaign - would that she could have pulled it out of the hat a little sooner, but it was gracious.
But, nothing daunted, like a good little Democrat, I toddled over to the Obama website and put down my $25 as my first donation. I joined the LinkedIn group, the Facebook group, and then sat down and had a little sigh.

This morning, I had more than a little sigh when I got a text message at 8.30, immediately after my alarm went off. My bank had texted me to alert me to some 'unusual transactions' on my credit card. *Gasp.* So, I called to check that this was a legit service, which it is, and then, oddly, I get re-routed to the UK. Gemma from the midlands then repeats the same message, adding,
'Let's see here - Obama for America? Would you have sent in €16 to Obama for America? We had it flagged as an unusual transaction.'
Clearly, my bank knows me rather well.

This does, however, mark a positive departure from the Clinton website, where I found that I could not donate on a foreign credit card at all. More fool them. The Obama site does have a hiccup for the Washingtonian voter, however - under 'State Shirts' in their store, there is no 'Washington, D.C. for Obama' shirt. Yes, yes, not a state, and don't I know it. Taxation without representation, I believe it's called. But Puerto Rico got their own shirt. Gimme a break.

Besides, 'Washington, D.C. for Obama' sends a nice message, no?

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